Accommodations for English Learners Bibliography: Method for Identifying EL Accommodations Studies

The research in this bibliography was identified using multiple search strategies. First, the primary database used for searches was the University of Minnesota Libraries database, MNCat Discovery. This database aggregates articles from top research databases such as ERIC, PsycINFO, SAGE Premier, ProQuest, and academic Search Premier. We conducted similar searches in other databases (e.g., Google Scholar) to confirm the results. Second, we conducted similar searches on testing company websites (e.g., Educational Testing Service [ETS], Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers [PARCC], WIDA, College Board) and on the websites of organizations that conduct assessment research on English learners (e.g., WestEd, Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing [CRESST]). Third, we reviewed reference lists in the eligible studies located during the initial searches.

Key words for searching included: English learner, ELs, limited English proficiency, accessibility features, accommodation, test, state test, assessment, linguistic modification, test accommodations, translation, dictionary, glossary, simplified English and K-12.