Alt-ELP Reporting

Public reporting on the number of English learners making progress in learning English is required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). States also must report yearly increases in the numbers of English learners attaining English proficiency. This public reporting helps ensure that public schools are accountable for providing English learners with language development services that enable them to move up in their level of English proficiency. 

Although ESEA requires that the progress of English learners with disabilities be reported separately when numbers are not too small, it does not require that progress is reported separately for the alternate English language proficiency (Alt-ELP) assessment. Districts must inform parents within 30 days if their child who is an English learner with the most significant cognitive disabilities does not meet established targets on the state alt-ELP assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Performance data from the Alt-ELP assessment can be used by states to determine the extent to which educational programs are helping English learners attain English language proficiency. Poor Alt-ELP scores may indicate the need for improved programs and services. In addition, Alt-ELP scores are a factor in determining whether an English learner with the most significant cognitive disabilities may be exited from receiving English language development services. 

States do not report public data that identify individual English learners. In circumstances where there are very few English learners participating in a particular assessment, a state will set a minimum number below which it will not publicly report results. This minimum number is intended to protect student confidentiality. The minimum number varies by state.