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891 results.
  • MIDAS Project Reports: A Mixed Methods Study on Teaching Students Who Moved From the AA-AAAS to General State Assessment (#102)
    Formats: PDF

    This report presents the findings of a study that examined the successes and barriers that teachers faced when instructing students with disabilities who have moved from the alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) to the general state assessment. For this study, classroom observations and teacher interviews were conducted in three states.

    Published: July 2024
  • MIDAS Project Reports: Teachers’ Perspectives on Using Multiple Measures of Academic Achievement to Inform Instruction of Students on the Cusp Between the AA-AAAS and the General Assessment (#103)
    Formats: PDF

    This report presents the findings of online focus groups conducted with teachers to learn more about their experiences using multiple measures to inform instructional decision making for students on the cusp between the alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) and the general state assessment used for accountability.

    Published: July 2024
  • Webinar: Teacher Perceptions and Perspectives on the Selection and Implementation of Accommodations
    Formats: Free Video

    This webinar presents research on teachers’ preferences for and perceptions of accommodations, as well as suggestions for how to incorporate these into accommodations decision-making (see NCEO Brief #34 PDF). The primary audience for this webinar is State Education Agency (SEA) special education and assessment staff, especially those who are involved in monitoring accommodations.

    Published: 7/3/2024
  • NCEO Data Analytics: Number and Percentage of English Learners with Disabilities by Disability Category, 2013-14 to 2022-23 (#20)
    Formats: Online

    This interactive report presents information on the percentage students with disabilities who are also English learners, and the proportion of these students by disability category for school years 2013-14 to 2022-23. The data in this report allow users to view one or more disability categories for comparison, and provides data by state.

    Published: June 2024
  • NCEO APR Snapshot Briefs: 2021-2022 APR Snapshot #31: Assessment Participation, Performance, and Assigned Accommodations for Students Receiving Special Education Services (#31)
    Formats: Online

    This report provides a snapshot of the participation and performance of students receiving special education services on statewide reading/language arts and mathematics assessments for 2021-22. Data are provided for mathematics and reading/language arts for general and alternate assessments. This report also summarizes data on the percentage of students assigned accommodations for general assessments.

    Published: 6/25/2024
  • NCEO Reports: Two Pieces of a Puzzle: The 95% Participation Requirement in State Plans and States’ Opt-out Policies (#443)
    Formats: PDF

    This report presents the findings of an analysis of states’ Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Consolidated State Plans in regards to the 95% participation requirement. Since state-level assessment opt-out policies may impact participation rates, this report also provides an overview of how states’ policies addressed opt-out.

    Published: June 2024
  • A State Discussion Guide to Understanding, Developing and Sustaining Balanced Assessment Systems That Are Inclusive of All Students
    Formats: PDF

    This state discussion guide is designed to facilitate discussions within state education agencies about how to create and sustain a balanced assessment system that is inclusive of all students, including students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities. It is co-published by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and NCEO.

    Published: June 2024
  • NCEO Newsletter: June 2024 issue
    Formats: Online

    NCEO’s June 2024 newsletter features several NCEO resources that address accommodations. Articles highlight several resources on student and teacher perspectives about accommodations, what the terms “accommodations” and “modifications” mean for both instruction and assessment for students with disabilities, and information about NCEO’s updated Accommodations Toolkit. This issue also includes information about a video series NCEO published several years ago that shares the story of how accommodation decisions were made and implemented for a student. The issue finishes with all the sessions in which NCEO is participating during the National Conference on Student Assessment (NCSA) and an article on the forum on Unlocking Potential: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Inclusive Learning that follows NCSA.

    Published: June 2024
  • NCEO Brief: Avoiding Unintended Consequences of Improved Accessibility of State Tests (#35)
    Formats: PDF

    There has been a paradigm shift from accommodations to the identification of levels of accessibility (e.g., universal features, designated features, and accommodations). A consequence of this shift is that many students with disabilities who previously were assigned accommodations now access many of them as universal or designated features. This Brief highlights what states and IEP teams can do to avoid possible unintended consequences of the paradigm shift.

    Published: May 2024
  • Webinar: What Do Students Prefer? Considering Students’ Perceptions and Preferences when Selecting Accommodations
    Formats: Free Video

    This webinar presents research on students’ preferences for accommodations as well as suggestions for how to incorporate these preferences and perceptions into accommodations decision-making (see NCEO Brief #30 PDF). The primary audience for this webinar is State Education Agency (SEA) special education and assessment staff, especially those who are involved in monitoring accommodations.

    Published: 4/24/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Word Prediction: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states accessibility policies for word prediction is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 4/22/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Math Charts/Tables: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states accessibility policies for math charts/tables is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 4/22/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Manipulatives: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states accessibility policies for manipulatives is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 4/22/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Large Print: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states accessibility policies for large print is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 4/22/2024
  • MIDAS Project Reports: Using Multiple Measures of Academic Achievement to Inform Instruction for Students with Disabilities Who Moved from the Alternate Assessment to the General State Assessment (#101)
    Formats: PDF

    This report presents an overview of two types of assessments that can inform instructional decision making for students with disabilities who moved from the alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) to the general assessment: (1) interim assessments and (2) formative assessment practices. The report concludes with several takeaways that can support improved practice.

    Published: April 2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Magnification: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for magnification is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 3/5/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Familiar Proctor/Test Administrator: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for familiar proctor/test administrator is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 3/5/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Extended Time: States' Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for extended time is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 3/5/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Braille: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for braille is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 2/29/2024
  • NCEO Reports: Universal Design and K-12 Academic Assessments: A Scoping Review of the Literature (#442)
    Formats: PDF, Online

    This report summarizes an investigation of literature published in 1985-2023 on universal design (UD) of large-scale assessments. State education agencies, K-12 assessment vendors, teacher trainers, and classroom teachers are increasingly applying the principles of UD to the instruction and assessment of students from special populations. In theory, UD ensures that instruction and assessment are created from the beginning to be accessible to the widest population of students possible. Yet, it is unclear how these UD frameworks and their associated principles and elements are being applied, or even which UD framework is used. This obscurity and lack of defined UD principles in the research literature creates obstacles in research replication and in identification of evidence-based practices. This scoping review identifies how the concept of UD has been applied to the broad range of U.S. district and state large-scale academic assessments. We included literature on the application of UD to the broad range of K-12 district and state large-scale academic assessments in the U.S.

    Published: February 2024