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922 results.
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Clarify/Simplify/Repeat Directions: States' Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for clarify/simplify/repeat directions is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 1/18/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Calculator: States' Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for calculator is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 1/18/2024
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Assistive Technology: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states’ accessibility policies for assistive technology is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 1/18/2024
  • NCEO Data Analytics: State Assessment Participation and Performance of Students with IEPs, 2020-2021 (#19)
    Formats: Online

    This interactive report presents data on the participation and performance of students receiving special education services in statewide assessments used for Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) accountability. Using federally submitted data from the 2020-2021 school year, this report presents information on participation and performance in reading and mathematics statewide assessments. This report also includes state profiles for students with disabilities’ participation rates and performance. Due to disruptions from the pandemic, rates of participation varied widely throughout the country. Data for this school year may not be comparable with other years.

    Published: January 2024
  • NCEO APR Snapshot Briefs: 2020-2021 APR Snapshot #30: AA-AAAS Participation and Performance (#30)
    Formats: Online

    This report summarizes Alternate Assessment based on Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (AA-AAAS) data used for Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) accountability. Using federally submitted data for the 2020-2021 school year, information is presented on the number of students participating in the AA-AAAS and the performance of those students. Data are presented for the 50 regular states as well as the 10 unique states.

    Published: December 2023
  • NCEO APR Snapshot Briefs: 2020-2021 APR Snapshot #29: Students in Special Education Assigned Assessment Accommodations (#29)
    Formats: Online

    This report provides information on the number of students with disabilities assigned accommodations and the performance of these students on the general statewide assessment used for Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) accountability. Using federally submitted data from the 2020-2021 school year, information is presented on accommodations for general reading and mathematics statewide assessments administered to grade 8 students (and grade 4 to show a comparison to grade 8 data).

    Published: December 2023
  • NCEO APR Snapshot Briefs: 2020-2021 APR Snapshot #28: State Assessment Participation and Performance of Students Receiving Special Education Services (#28)
    Formats: Online

    This report provides a snapshot of the participation and performance of students receiving special education services in statewide assessments used for Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) accountability. Using federally submitted data for the 2020-2021 school year, information is presented on participation and performance in reading and mathematics statewide assessments administered to students in grades 3-8 and high school.

    Published: December 2023
  • What Does Meaningful Accessibility Really Mean?
    Formats: PDF

    This report contains the proceedings of a forum held on June 28, 2023 in New Orleans, Louisiana to discuss issues surrounding meaningful accessibility of assessments. The forum was a post-session to the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) National Conference on Student Assessment (NCSA) and was a collaboration of the Assessment, Standards, and Education for Students with Disabilities (ASES) Collaborative and the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). A specific goal of the forum was to gather representatives from state education agencies (SEAs), assessment vendors, assistive technology experts, and others to discuss the meaningful accessibility of assessments and to identify possible solutions to the challenges that students face when accessing assessments.

    Published: November 2023
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Screen Reader: States’ Accessibility Policies, 2023
    Formats: Online

    This summary of states accessibility policies for screen reader is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: 11/8/2023
  • Accommodations Toolkit: Screen Reader: Research
    Formats: Online

    This fact sheet on screen reader is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). It summarizes information and research findings on the use of color contrast as an accessibility feature or accommodation.

    Published: 11/8/2023
  • 1% Toolkit: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (NCEO Tool #15)
    Formats: PDF, Online

    The purpose of this tool is to provide information on the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for parents in the form of (a) a fact sheet, and (b) a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that provide additional details about MTSS. These parent resources are available for states to adapt to share with districts, parent organizations, and parents. This resource was developed through a collaborative process with members of the TASH Inclusive Education Community of Practice (CoP) and staff from forty-nine states and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) who participated in the 1% CoP.

    Published: November 2023
  • NCEO Newsletter: October 2023 issue
    Formats: Online

    Effective communication is a cornerstone for fostering collaboration, understanding, and ultimately, student success. Recognizing the importance of communication, we are featuring in this newsletter some of NCEO’s resources for parents and families. This newsletter presents articles on NCEO’s new Empowering Parents Toolkit; several powerful fact sheets that state education agencies, districts, and schools can use to engage parents and families and enhance their understanding of state assessments; NCEO parents resources you may have missed; and other recently published NCEO resources.

    Published: October 2023
  • NCEO Parent Fact Sheets: Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families (Fact Sheet #5 - Educator)
    Formats: PDF, Online

    This Fact Sheet provides educators with strategies that will help them engage culturally and linguistically diverse families and their children. These strategies can help overcome the challenges of gaps in communication, cultural differences, culturally responsive teaching, and understanding home culture and individual students’ characteristics, including disability and English learner status. Additional strategies are provided for working with culturally and linguistically diverse families whose children have disabilities or are receiving English language development services.

    Published: 9/21/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 4 Video: Understanding Test Data at SSIP Stakeholder Meetings
    Formats: Free Video

    This video explains how the review of test data at State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) stakeholder meetings by parents and other stakeholders can support the development and implementation of plans that lead to improved outcomes for their children and all students with disabilities. The video also provides tips on how to be active participants in stakeholder meetings. This video is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 3 Video: What is the SSIP, and why do it?
    Formats: Free Video

    This video provides a family-friendly definition of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) and explains how states, educators, and families can work together to ensure their SSIP addresses the needs of students with disabilities in order to improve their educational outcomes. This video is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 2 Video: What are the purposes of different tests, and how are they used in the SSIP?
    Formats: Free Video

    This video discusses different types of tests and their objectives. It describes various test purposes, and their role in improving instruction and outcomes for students with disabilities through the state’s State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). This video is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 1 Video: Why are assessments important, and why should students with disabilities participate in assessments? (Version 2/authentic video of a parent and her children in Spanish)
    Formats: Free Video

    This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. It also includes tips for families on how to better support their children when they take assessments. This “Version 2” video has the same content as “Version 1” but features an authentic parent and her children and additionally is in Spanish. The video is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 1 Video: Why are assessments important, and why should students with disabilities participate in assessments? (Version 2/authentic video of a parent and her children)
    Formats: Free Video

    This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. It also includes tips for families on how to better support their children when they take assessments. This “Version 2” video has the same content as “Version 1” but features an authentic parent and her children. The video is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit - Tool 1 Video: Why are assessments important, and why should students with disabilities participate in assessments? (Version 1/professionally recorded)
    Formats: Free Video

    This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. It also includes tips for families on how to better support their children when they take assessments. This “Version 1” video is professionally created and is part of the Empowering Families Toolkit developed by NCEO to provide accessible materials for parents about assessment topics.

    Published: 9/5/2023
  • Empowering Families Toolkit
    Formats: Word

    This Empowering Families Toolkit was developed by National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) to provide accessible materials for parents about topics related to assessment-related State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIP) and State-Identified Measurable Results that states commit to reaching. These materials are designed to help support their participation in stakeholder meetings. The toolkit includes short video clips and printed flyers. The materials are designed for dissemination through social media, state websites, and at meetings.

    Published: August 2023