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891 results.
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: A Review of the Literature on Students with Limited English Proficiency and Assessment (#11)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1997 report summarizes a literature review conducted to examine best practices in assessing English learners. This review does not address second language acquisition in detail, nor competency development in content areas.

    Published: August 1997
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Reporting Educational Results for Students with Disabilities (#8)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1997 report explains the importance of public reporting of results for students with disabilities and describes principles for good reporting practices. It concludes with several further recommendations.

    Published: July 1997
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Providing Assessment Accommodations for Students with Disabilities in State and District Assessments (#7)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1997 report identifies issues to address in facilitating the provision of appropriate accommodations in state and district assessments. Issues focus on defining assessment accommodations, what types are available, who has input on their use, when they are used, how they affect results, and principles to guide decisions. The report ends with brief recommendations.

    Published: June 1997
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, Spanish-Speaking, and Vietnamese Parents and Students Speak Out on Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests (#12)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1997 report summarizes focus groups conducted on English learner participation in Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests involving English learners and their parents from the following language groups: Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

    Published: May 1997
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Increasing the Participation of Students with Disabilities in State and District Assessments (#6)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1997 report identifies considerations for increasing the participation of students with disabilities in state and district assessments. These include clarifying who should participate in these assessments, what principles should guide decisions about who participates, and how these considerations apply to graduation exams. The report ends with recommendations with steps to follow for aligning the principles to accountability systems.

    Published: May 1997
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Issues and Considerations in Alternate Assessments (#27)
    Formats: Online

    This 1997 report describes and discusses issues around the design of alternate assessments for students with disabilities.

    Published: January 1997
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: High Stakes Testing for Students: Unanswered Questions and Implications for Students with Disabilities (#26)
    Formats: Online

    This 1997 literature review looks at existing research on the effects of high stakes tests on students, with particular attention to students with disabilities. The review focuses on potential effects on the curriculum, students, student learning, attitudes, school climate, and costs, and offers recommendations for future research and for those people who develop, implement, and evaluate large-scale testing programs.

    Published: January 1997
  • NCEO Maryland/Kentucky State Assessment Project: A Comparison of State Assessment Systems in Maryland and Kentucky with a focus on the participation of students with disabilities (#1)
    Formats: Online

    A report from the past Maryland-Kentucky-NCEO Assessment Project, a federally funded effort supported, in part, by a grant to the Maryland State Department of Education.

    Published: November 1996
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Alternate Assessments for Students with Disabilities (#5)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report describes options for developing an alternate assessment for students unable to participate in the general district and state assessments that are used for accountability purposes. The focus is on large-scale accountability systems, rather than individual accountability measures, that create information on how the school, district, or state is doing in terms of student performance.

    Published: October 1996
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Assessment Guidelines that Maximize the Participation of Students with Disabilities in Large-Scale Assessments: Characteristics and Considerations (#25)
    Formats: Online

    This 1996 report provides: (1) An overview of immediate and past practice in participation, accommodation, and reporting of students with disabilities in state and national assessments; (2) Criteria for making decisions around participation, accommodation, and reporting of assessment results for students with disabilities. (3) Examples and nonexamples of criteria markers in existing state guidelines, (4) short list of assessment accommodations in four categories, and (5) A hands-on approach to examining and/or revising state and district guidelines about accountability, large-scale assessments, and students with disabilities.

    Published: October 1996
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Neglected Numerators, Drifting Denominators, and Fractured Fractions: Determining Participation Rates for Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Programs (#23)
    Formats: Online

    Developing accurate reporting procedures on the participation of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs has proven to be difficult, due to a lack of data, differing definitions of eligible testing populations, and the misalignment of data collection efforts and data management responsibilities. This 1996 report provides specific recommendations for both policymakers and local practitioners and administrators to assist in improving our ability to accurately report the participation of students with disabilities in statewide assessment programs.

    Published: October 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Input from the Field on the Participation of Students with Limited English Proficiency and Students with Disabilities in Meeting the High Standards of Minnesota's Profile of Learning (#10)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report summarizes focus group input from teachers and administrators on the participation of English learners and students with disabilities in Minnesota's Profile of Learning, which includes performance-based classroom-level assessments.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Questions and Answers: Tough Questions about Accountability Systems and Students with Disabilities (#24)
    Formats: Online

    This 1996 report provides answers to some of the most commonly asked questions addressing the participation of students with disabilities in educational accountability systems. Questions about the use of accommodations, the reporting of the results of all test takers, and implementation issues are included also.

    Published: September 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: A Review of the Literature on Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (#9)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report reviews literature on testing accommodations for students with disabilities, emphasizing studies examining the effects of testing accommodations on the technical integrity of assessment measures.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Resources: Limited English Proficient Students in National and Statewide Assessments (#8)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report provides an annotated bibliography on accommodation issues related to assessing English learners, focusing on literature published within a decade related to national and state administered assessments.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Resources: Students with Disabilities in National and Statewide Assessments (#7)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report provides an annotated bibliography on accommodation issues related to students with disabilities in national and state administered assessments.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Accommodations for Students with Limited English Proficiency: Analysis of Guidelines from States with Graduation Exams (#6)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report examines high stakes graduation testing guidelines, in states with these assessments, and describes trends in the types of testing accommodations allowed for English learners.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Guidelines from States with Graduation Exams (#5)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report examines accommodation policies in states with high stakes assessments and describes the accommodations allowed for students with disabilities.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Focus Group Input on Students with Limited English Proficiency and Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests (#4)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report summarizes information from focus groups conducted to address the participation of English learners in Minnesota's first administration of the Basic Standards Tests in spring 1996.

    Published: August 1996
  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports: Focus Group Input on Students with Disabilities and Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests (#3)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1996 report summarizes focus group input on the participation of students with disabilities on Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests.

    Published: August 1996