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920 results.
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Why We Can't Say Much About the Status of Students with Disabilities During Education Reform (#21)
    Formats: Online

    This 1995 report synthesizes the results of National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) activities that focused on determining whether secondary data analysis of state and/or national data collection programs could produce policy-relevant reports on the status of children and youth with disabilities. Recommendations are offered for improving the collection and reporting of information in state and national data collection programs.

    Published: August 1995
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Disability Summary Analyses of Select National Data Collection Programs (#11)
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    This year 1995 report presents a disability summary analysis of select national data collection programs. Summary analyses were conducted to document the amount and nature of information on individuals with disabilities in our national data collection programs. The rationale for the specific data collection programs, the review procedures and the future use of the information by NCEO are found in a separate document Outcomes for Children and Youth with Disabilities: Secondary Analysis of National data Collection Programs.

    Published: August 1995
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: High School Graduation Requirements: What's Happening for Students with Disabilities? (#20)
    Formats: Online

    This 1995 report examines documentation from state departments of education on high school graduation requirements for students in general, and for student with disabilities.

    Published: May 1995
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: A Perspective on Education and Assessment in Other Nations: Where Are Students with Disabilities? (#19)
    Formats: Online

    Findings about the exclusion of students with disabilities in U. S. assessments necessarily lead to questions about the status of students with disabilities in international comparison assessments and in the assessments used in other nations. Are students with disabilities included in these assessments? Are appropriate accommodations used during the assessments? When are "exclusion rates" reported? Do all countries start from the same base of "all" students? The purpose of this 1995 report is to address these kinds of questions. We do this by examining students with disabilities in international comparison studies and in assessments in each of 14 nations, including the U. S., that are among those included in previous or current international comparative studies.

    Published: April 1995
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: A Compilation of States' Guidelines for Accommodations in Assessments for Students with Disabilities (#18)
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    This report provides a listing of states' written guidelines on accommodations, modifications, and adaptations of assessments for students with disabilities (1993).

    Published: March 1995
  • NCEO State Surveys: State Special Education Outcomes 1994: A Report on How States are Assessing Educational Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
    Formats: PDF

    A report on NCEO's survey of states conducted in 1993 to address the needs of state directors, policymakers and others for information about current state activities in multiple outcomes areas: Knowledge, skills, status, and attitudes of students with disabilities. It also addresses issues related to change over time in accountability and assessment activities. The specific questions this survey focused on were: (1) What effect the activities outlined in Goals 2000: The Educate America Act have on state special education service delivery systems, (2) What efforts states are making to develop learner goals and related assessments, (3) How broadly the NCEO model of educational outcomes and indicators has been disseminated and used within state and local educational agencies, and (4) The extent to which students with disabilities are participating in statewide achievement assessments now being used by states.

    Published: March 1995
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: A Compilation of States' Guidelines for Including Students with Disabilities in Assessments (#17)
    Formats: PDF

    This report provides a listing of states' written guidelines on the participation of students with disabilities in assessments (1993).

    Published: February 1995
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Opportunity to Learn Standards (#4)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1995 report defines opportunity-to-learn standards, addresses the rationale behind them, and makes recommendations for how to reasonably include students with disabilities when considering these standards.

    Published: January 1995
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Synthesis Report Update 1994: Reports on the Status of Education, Desired Outcomes, and Reform Initiatives (#16)
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    This report examines national activities by highlighting 40 reports that reflect the array of reform initiatives underway in 1995. To position some of these reports within the larger restructuring effort, we first summarize the paradigm shifts that the documents reflect.

    Published: January 1995
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Educational Accountability for Students with Disabilities (#3)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1994 report outlines steps that educators can take towards a new and inclusive accountability system with consistent procedures for all students, including students with disabilities. These steps include considering alternative approaches to accountability, ensuring educators have data needed to demonstrate that education is working for students with disabilities, and ways to overcome potential barriers to obtaining these data. The report concludes with specific recommendations.

    Published: November 1994
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Secondary Analysis of State Assessment Data: Why We Can't Say Much About Students with Disabilities (#10)
    Formats: PDF

    This year 1994 report summarizes activities of the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) directed at producing a report on the status of students with disabilities from the secondary analysis of state collected achievement data. Although more than half of the 50 states reported that large-scale achievement data were available for some students with disabilities, potentially usable data were obtained from only six states. The report describes numerous difficulties encountered in attempts to collect and aggregate state achievement data on students with disabilities and concludes that it was not possible to produce a synthesis report on the achievement status of students with disabilities from aggregated state data bases. Recommendations are presented for improving the probability of conducting such analyses in the future.

    Published: August 1994
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards (#14)
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    This report provides an overview of the use of the term "Opportunity to learn (OTL) standards in recent (1994) legislation, alternative perspectives on OTL standards, and state practices in the implementation of OTL standards. We examine how students with disabilities are treated in discussion of OTL standards, how people propose to measure OTL, and major issues surrounding the concept of OTL standards. Implications for students with disabilities are discussed, and we conclude with several recommendations.

    Published: July 1994
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Recommendations for Making Decisions About the Participation of Students with Disabilities in Statewide Assessment Programs: A Report on a Working Conference to Develop Guidelines for Statewide Assessments and Students with Disabilities (#15)
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    This report is a summary of a meeting held in the Washington, DC area on May 17 and 18, 1994. The purpose of the meeting was to: (1) Discuss participation of students with disabilities in state assessment programs, (2) Discuss adaptations in assessments or assessment procedures to accommodate students with disabilities, (3) Attempt to arrive at agreement on a reasonable set of practices in making participation and accommodation decisions, and (4) Identify major technical and implementation issues that might be part of state or federal research agendas on participation and accommodations in assessment programs. This report proposes a set of recommendations for making participation and accommodation decisions, and indicate the fundamental assumptions that underlie participation of students with disabilities in state assessment programs. We describe the rational for the development of a consistent system for making decisions about participation and accommodations in state assessment programs.

    Published: July 1994
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Students with Disabilities and Educational Standards: Recommendations for Policy and Practice (#2)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1994 report describes various types of standards in education (i.e., content, performance, opportunity-to-learn, and assessment) and summarizes issues when applying these standards to all students, including students with disabilities. The report concludes with recommendations for policies addressing content and performance standards.

    Published: May 1994
  • NCEO Policy Directions: Guidelines for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Large-Scale Assessments (#1)
    Formats: Online

    This year 1994 report provides background on how students with disabilities have been excluded from large scale assessments and provides recommendations for the development of guidelines and monitoring practices that promote full participation of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs. It recommends guidelines for policies that address inclusion, accommodations and adaptations, and monitoring of implementation of these policies.

    Published: May 1994
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Making Decisions About the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Large-Scale Assessments: A Report on a Working Conference to Develop Guidelines on Inclusion and Accommodations (#13)
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    This report is a summary of a meeting held in Washington, D.C. on March 9-10, 1994. Much of the focus of this meeting was on the challenges faced in making decisions about inclusion and accommodations for students with disabilities on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The content of this report and the recommended guidelines also have applicability for state large-scale assessments.

    Published: April 1994
  • NCEO State Surveys: State Special Education Outcomes 1993: A Report on State Activities in the Assessment of Educational Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
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    A report on NCEO's third survey of states conducted in 1993 to address the needs of state directors, policymakers and others for information about current state activities in multiple outcomes areas: Knowledge, skills, status, and attitudes of students with disabilities. It also addresses issues related to change over time in accountability and assessment activities. The specific objectives of this survey were to: (1) Develop an ongoing system to describe the status of state activities to assess educational outcomes, (2) Develop an ongoing tracking system of procedures and practices used by states to include and make accommodations in the assessment of students with disabilities, (3) Identify persistent barriers and needs of states related to outcomes assessment, and (4) Identify state data bases that might be used to create a national data base of outcomes for students with disabilities.

    Published: March 1994
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Implementation of Alternative Methods for Making Educational Accountability Decisions for Students with Disabilities (#12)
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    This report examines some of the issues and challenges in gathering data for purposes of making accountability decisions for students with disabilities (1994). The report (1) describes the alternative methods that are being used, (2) describes the student population and accountability decision-making practices in representative states, (3) describes the kinds of issues State Education Agency (SEA) personnel encounter, (4) identifies the kinds of data SEA and national education policy personnel say would be needed to demonstrate that education works for students with disabilities, (5) describes ways in which SEA personnel have been successful in overcoming barriers, and (6) makes recommendations of promising practices for making accountability decisions.

    Published: March 1994
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Matching State Goals to a Model of School Completion Outcomes and Indicators (#9)
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    This year 1994 report presents the conceptual model of school completion indicators developed by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) in partnership with stakeholders and compares how the identified indicators match to those developed by states. The model, which includes eight major outcome domains, was designed to be appropriate for students with and without disabilities at these levels: early childhood--age 3, early childhood--age 6, grade 4, grade 8, school-completion, and post school.

    Published: February 1994
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Availability of Data on School Completion Outcomes and Indicators (#8)
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    This year 1994 report examines the extent to which indicators in the model of outcomes and indicators developed by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) were found in states at the school completion level. The model contained eight domains or content areas. Data managers from 36 states or territories reported that data were available for indicators in the Presence and Participation and Contribution and Citizenship domains, but few data were available for the remaining six areas. The report discusses the need to establish new instruments and data collection systems in order to report outcomes valued by educators and parents.

    Published: January 1994