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898 results.
  • NCEO Technical Reports: The Identification of People With Disabilities in National Databases: A Failure to Communicate (#6)
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    This year 1993 report presents an analysis of how students with disabilities were identified in national databases. It examined 19 national data collection programs in the U.S. Departments of Education, Commerce, Justice, and Health and Human Services, as well as databases from the National Science Foundation. Findings showed significant variability was evident in the disability categories used both within and across the national data collection programs. Suggestions are provided for improving disability identification in collecting and reporting policy relevant information.

    Published: September 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Outcome-Based Education: Its Relevance to State and National Decision Making (#9)
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    This report was developed to propose a framework for applying an outcome-based approach throughout the education system for students with disabilities. The needs of three major levels of the system were examined: local, state, and national. It is argued that it is necessary to define different uses for the term "outcome" in order to achieve consensus and understanding. Matching uses with the needs of the specific levels of the system will help clarify communications and facilitate the process of identifying expected outcomes.

    Published: October 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: The Effects of Standards and Assessment on Students in Special Education (#10)
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    In this report, the author examines accountability and assessment issues that are relevant to students in special education.

    Published: October 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Synthesis Report Update 1993: Recent Activities in National Goals, Standards, and Tests (#8)
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    This report updates major recent (1993) national initiatives in the areas of (a) the national education goals, (b) standards, and (c) national testing for students with disabilities.

    Published: September 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Views on Inclusion and Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (#7)
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    This monograph represents the culmination of an effort to obtain expert opinions about the challenges of inclusion (who should be included - or excluded - from assessments, how the decision is made, and who makes the decision) and accommodations (what modifications can be made in assessment materials and/or procedures that still allow valid assessment results to be obtained). This monograph presents papers on issues of inclusion and accommodations be field experts Bob Algozzine, Paul H. Koehler, Barbar L. Loeding and Jerry B. Crittenden, Jack Merwin, Daniel J. Reschly, and Maynard C. Reynolds.

    Published: September 1993
  • NCEO Technical Reports: IEPs and Standards: What They Say for Students with Disabilities (#5)
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    This year 1993 report presents a study comparing students' IEPs to national and locally defined standards for mathematics. The IEPs of 76 students with mild disabilities were compared to the National Assessment of Educational Progress proficiency levels for mathematics, local standards, and a taxonomy of dimensions including: Level of Mastery, Nature of the Material, and Operations. The report suggests a widening of the gap between what students with disabilities are taught and the assessments with which they are tested. Implications for actions by the special education and standards-setting communities are discussed.

    Published: May 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Implications of Outcomes-Based Education for Children with Disabilities (#6)
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    This report discusses Outcomes-based education (OBE) and its implications for students with disabilities from the perspective of the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).

    Published: April 1993
  • NCEO State Surveys: State Special Education Outcomes 1992: A Report on State Activities in the Assessment of Educational Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
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    A report NCEO's second survey of states conducted in 1992 to address the needs of state directors, policymakers and others for information about current state activities in multiple outcomes areas: Knowledge, skills, status, and attitudes of students with disabilities. It also addresses issues related to change over time in accountability and assessment activities. The specific objectives of this survey were to: (1) Develop an ongoing system to describe the status of state activities to assess educational outcomes, (2) Develop an ongoing tracking system of procedures and practices used by states to include and make accommodations in the assessment of students with disabilities, (3) Identify persistent barriers and needs of states related to outcomes assessment, and (4) Identify state data bases that might be used to create a national data base of outcomes for students with disabilities.

    Published: March 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Can "All" Ever Really Mean "All" in Defining and Assessing Student Outcomes? (#5)
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    This report explores what what "all" means in defining student outcomes in educational assessment systems.

    Published: March 1993
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: A Review of the Literature (#4)
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    This report is a review of literature (1993) pertaining to testing accommodations for people with disabilities. It draws on a wide range of information, from empirical studies conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and by the American College Testing (ACT) Program, to policies for state assessment programs. Addressed in this report are policy and legal considerations, technical concerns, minimum competency and certification/licensure testing efforts, existing standards and accommodations allowed in state assessment systems.

    Published: March 1993
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Experts' Opinions about the Appropriateness and Feasibility of National Math Standards (#4)
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    This year 1993 report presents survey results on the appropriateness and feasibility of the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in relation to math instruction for students with disabilities. The study surveyed eleven experts in the areas of mathematics education, special education, and assessment. Results showed that the major factor determining opinions about the Standards was the respondents' basic belief about the appropriate form of math instruction for students with disabilities. Little agreement on the appropriateness and feasibility of the Standards was found beyond the elementary grade levels. A discussion of the implications for the math education of students with disabilities is included.

    Published: February, 1993
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Experts' Opinions on National Math Standards for Students with Disabilities (#3)
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    This year 1992 report presents survey results of eleven experts in mathematics education, special education and assessment in relation to current math instruction and the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and the perceived appropriateness and feasibility of the Standards for students with disabilities. Results showed that the experts agreed the adoption of the Standards was minimal and that math education in practice continues to emphasize basic skills. Two opposing viewpoints were evident in the experts' responses. One viewpoint was that the Standards did not recognize the importance of individual differences and were not better than current practice in math education. The opposing viewpoint was that the Standards reflected a vision of what mathematics should be and that minimal, non- substantial modifications were needed for students with disabilities. These opinions are summarized and discussed.

    Published: September 1992
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Responses to Working Paper 1 Conceptual Model of Educational Outcomes for Children and Youth with Disabilities (#3)
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    Working Paper 1, "A Conceptual Model of Educational Outcomes for Children and Youth with Disabilities," was initially distributed by staff of the National Center on Educational Outcomes in July of 1991 to approximately 175 individuals, requesting their input on the ideas presented therein. This synthesis paper represents the input of over 60 additional respondents.

    Published: June 1992
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Synthesis Report Update 1992: Policy Groups and Reports on Assessing Educational Outcomes (#2)
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    The purpose of this report is to provide an update to information presented in Synthesis Report #1. Specifically, this report provides information on the key national policy groups involved in outcomes--related activities and on key reports that have been produced by these groups and others during the past year (1992).

    Published: April 1992
  • NCEO Technical Reports: Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in National and State Data Collection Programs (#2)
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    This year 1992 report summarizes the extent to which individuals with disabilities were represented in national and state data collection programs. After 30 different data collection programs were identified for potential evaluation, 9 of them were reviewed. The extent to which students with disabilities were included in state outcomes assessment activities was evaluated through a survey of state directors of special education. Findings include statistics on the percent of students with disabilities being excluded, issues related to exclusion guidelines, and issues stemming from the lack of representation of students with disabilities in national outcome measures.

    Published: March 1992
  • NCEO State Surveys: State Special Education Outcomes 1991: A Report on State Activities in the Assessment of Educational Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
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    This is NCEO's first survey of states conducted in 1991 to address the needs of state directors, policymakers and others for information about current state activities in multiple outcomes areas: Knowledge, skills, status, and attitudes of students with disabilities. It also addresses issues related to change over time in accountability and assessment activities. The specific objectives of this survey were to: (1) Develop an ongoing system to describe the status of state activities to assess educational outcomes, (2) Develop an ongoing tracking system of procedures and practices used by states to include and make accommodations in the assessment of students with disabilities, (3) Identify persistent barriers and needs of states related to outcomes assessment, and (4) Identify state data bases that might be used to create a national data base of outcomes for students with disabilities.

    Published: January 1992
  • NCEO Technical Reports: State Practices in the Assessment of Outcomes for Students with Disabilities (#1)
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    This year 1991 report provides information on what states and territories were doing related to outcomes assessment during the years of 1991 to 1995. It presents the results of surveys and reviews of then current state practices and future plans. The Survey of State Policies was conducted to: (a) produce a data base on state efforts to develop systems to assess educational outcomes, (b) assess states' needs for solutions t technical/implementation problems, (c) identify important state-level information and existing data bases, and (d) assess efforts of states to design a comprehensive system of indicators in general and special education.

    Published: October 1991
  • NCEO Synthesis Reports: Assessing Educational Outcomes: State Activity and Literature Integration (#1)
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    In October 1990 the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) for Students with Disabilities was established at the University of Minnesota. Its mission is to provide national leadership in the development of educational outcomes and a system of indicators for students with disabilities. For NCEO it is necessary to give attention not only to the most recent research related to outcomes indicators in general but also to research that has been conducted in special education. The purpose of this document is to provide a synthesis of information that is available in the current literature. Topics of relevance to this literature review include (1) Educational reform and its current status in the United States, (2) Definitions of key terms, (3) Current models of educational indicators in both general education and special education, (4) Current states of outcomes indicators activities in both general education and special education, and (5) Critical issues in the development of a comprehensive system of educational indicators. This document will be revised annually in order to incorporate new literature and current events that pertain to the educational outcomes of students with disabilities.

    Published: July 1991