Ghere, G. S., Quanbeck, M., Sommerness, J. E., & Lazarus, S. S. (2024). Using multiple measures of academic achievement to inform instruction for students with disabilities who moved from the alternate assessment to the general state assessment (MIDAS Report 101). Making Improved Decisions for Students on the Cusp of Alternate Assessment Participation Using Multiple Measures of Academic Achievement from Multiple Sources (MIDAS) Project.

Ghere, G. S., Quanbeck, M., Sommerness, J. E., & Lazarus, S. S. (2024). Using multiple measures of academic achievement to inform instruction for students with disabilities who moved from the alternate assessment to the general state assessment (MIDAS Report 101). Making Improved Decisions for Students on the Cusp of Alternate Assessment Participation Using Multiple Measures of Academic Achievement from Multiple Sources (MIDAS) Project.

