Weber, M. L., Welch, C. E., Parsons, J. T., & McLeod, T. C. V. (2015). School nurses’ familiarity and perceptions of academic accommodations for student-athletes following sport-related concussion . The Journal of School Nursing , 31 (2), 146–154.

Journal Article

Weber, M. L., Welch, C. E., Parsons, J. T., & McLeod, T. C. V. (2015). School nurses’ familiarity and perceptions of academic accommodations for student-athletes following sport-related concussion. The Journal of School Nursing, 31(2), 146–154.


Educator survey; High school; K-12; No age; No disability; Traumatic brain injury (TBI); U.S. context




Accommodations were not specified. Accommodations for student athletes with concussions, as well as school nurses’ familiarity with and perceptions of academic accommodations for students with concussions, were discussed.


School nurses (n=1,073) from all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia participated, with 836 nurses fully completing the survey.

Dependent Variable

The Beliefs, Attitudes, and Knowledge of Pediatric Athletes with Concussions (BAKPAC) survey was used to assess collaboration with athletic trainers, concussion management and care, concussion referrals, and academic accommodations for students with concussions. The survey consisted of 63 items structured using a 4-point rating scale.


Most school nurses had knowledge related to academic accommodations, 504 plans, and IEPs. Nurses at schools with nationally certified athletic trainers were more likely to be familiar with academic accommodations.