Lin, P. Y., & Lin, Y. C. (2014). The impact of setting accommodation on large-scale assessment for English language learners with and without learning disabilities: balanced vs. unbalanced data in latent class analyses . Journal of Studies in Education , 3 (2), 1–19.
Lin, P. Y., & Lin, Y. C. (2014). The impact of setting accommodation on large-scale assessment for English language learners with and without learning disabilities: balanced vs. unbalanced data in latent class analyses. Journal of Studies in Education, 3(2), 1–19.
setting accommodation
Students taking a grade 6 assessment in Ontario
Setting accommodation for sixth grade ELL students did not significantly impact their number sense and numeration skills on a large-scale math assessment. The authors suggest that decision makers provide justification for using the setting accommodation depending on the specific situation for each student as this study did not provide support for the large-scale implementation of setting accommodations for any of the groups investigated.