Sato, E., Rabinowitz, S., Gallagher, C., & Huang, C.-W. (2010). Accommodations for English learner students: the effect of linguistic modification of math test item sets (Final Report. NCEE 2009-4079). National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
Sato, E., Rabinowitz, S., Gallagher, C., & Huang, C.-W. (2010). Accommodations for English learner students: the effect of linguistic modification of math test item sets (Final Report. NCEE 2009-4079). National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
Other language speakers; Simplified English
linguistically modified
7th and 8th grade ELL students across 13 schools in California
Linguistic modification, such as shortening sentences or using common and familiar words, on math assessments was shown to improve some items' functioning for middle school English learner (EL) and non-ELA-proficient non-EL (NEP) students. The linguistic modification provided a greater performance difference for EL students than NEP students.