Lozano, C. S., Brandenberg, K., Wicki, M., Troesch, L. M., & Wüthrich, S. (2024). The effects of accommodations and curriculum modifications on academic performance and perceived inclusion: A prospective longitudinal study among students in Switzerland . European Journal of Special Needs Education , 39 (3), 399–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2023.2227527

Journal Article
Lozano, C. S., Brandenberg, K., Wicki, M., Troesch, L. M., & Wüthrich, S. (2024). The effects of accommodations and curriculum modifications on academic performance and perceived inclusion: A prospective longitudinal study among students in Switzerland. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 39(3), 399–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2023.2227527


[Advance online publication (06/26/2023)]


Accommodation/s not specified; Disabilities Not Specified; Elementary; High school; International (non-U.S.); K-12; Language arts; Math; Middle school; Multiple ages; Multiple content; No disability


