Thurlow, M. L. (2014). Accommodation for challenge, diversity and variance in human characteristics . Journal of Negro Education , 83 (4), 442–464.

Journal Article
Thurlow, M. L. (2014). Accommodation for challenge, diversity and variance in human characteristics. Journal of Negro Education, 83(4), 442–464.


Braille; Calculation device or software (interactive); Dictated response; Dictated response (scribe); Extended time; Individual; K-12; Multiple ages; Multiple day; Oral delivery; Prompting; Small group; Spelling checker




A broad overview of the use of accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners on national, state, and district assessments was discussed. Accommodations that were discussed include braille, read aloud, prompt/encourage, calculator, scribe, spell checker, extended time, multiple days, individual, and small group.


Studies related to the history, policy, and current and evolving use of instructional and assessment accommodations were reviewed.

Dependent Variable

A review of literature related to the use of accommodations was conducted.


Researchers concluded that great progress has been made in the inclusion of students with disabilities and English language learners through the use of accommodations on local, state, and national assessments. Research is still needed to determine the appropriate use of accommodations for students without disabilities but with academic need.