Taub, D., Apgar, J., Foster, M., Ryndak, D. L., Burdge, M. D., & Letson, S. (2020). Investigating the alignment between English language arts curricula developed for students with significant intellectual disability and the CCSS . Remedial and Special Education , 41 (5), 284–295. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932519843184
Taub, D., Apgar, J., Foster, M., Ryndak, D. L., Burdge, M. D., & Letson, S. (2020). Investigating the alignment between English language arts curricula developed for students with significant intellectual disability and the CCSS. Remedial and Special Education, 41(5), 284–295. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932519843184