Horn, E., Parks, S., & An, Z. (2019). Inclusive special education for young learners with severe and multiple disabilities . In F. E. Obiakor & J. P. Bakken (Eds.), Special education for young learners with disabilities (pp. 119–137). Emerald.
Horn, E., Parks, S., & An, Z. (2019). Inclusive special education for young learners with severe and multiple disabilities. In F. E. Obiakor & J. P. Bakken (Eds.), Special education for young learners with disabilities (pp. 119–137). Emerald.
Chapter 8 in edited book from series Advances in Special Education, Vol. 34; ISBN: 978-1-78756-041-3 [print], 978-1-78756-040-6 [online], 978-1-78756-042-0 [ePub]; ISSN: 0270-4013