Schlosser, R. W., Shane, H. C., Allen, A. A., Yu, C., O’Brien, A. M., Cullen, J., Benz, A., O’Neil, L., Chiesa, L., & Miori-Dinneen, L. (2021). Implementing the Visual Immersion SystemTM in a classroom for children with autism spectrum disorder: Challenges and solutions . In B. T. Ogletree & B. T. Ogletree (Eds.), Augmentative and alternative communication: Challenges and solutions (pp. 283–311). Plural.
Schlosser, R. W., Shane, H. C., Allen, A. A., Yu, C., O’Brien, A. M., Cullen, J., Benz, A., O’Neil, L., Chiesa, L., & Miori-Dinneen, L. (2021). Implementing the Visual Immersion SystemTM in a classroom for children with autism spectrum disorder: Challenges and solutions. In B. T. Ogletree & B. T. Ogletree (Eds.), Augmentative and alternative communication: Challenges and solutions (pp. 283–311). Plural.
Chapter 11 in an edited book; ISBN: 9781635502862 [print]; 9781635502961 [eBook]