Long, J. V., Schaffran, J. A., & Kellogg, T. M. (1977). Effects of out-of-level survey testing on reading achievement scores of Title I ESEA students . Journal of Educational Measurement , 14 (3), 203–213. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-3984.1977.tb00037.x
Long, J. V., Schaffran, J. A., & Kellogg, T. M. (1977). Effects of out-of-level survey testing on reading achievement scores of Title I ESEA students. Journal of Educational Measurement, 14(3), 203–213. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-3984.1977.tb00037.x
Students took two reading tests, one recommended by test publishers based on students' grade level, and another, less difficult version of the reading test assigned to students based on their functional level according to results of the Botel Word Opposites Test. Scores from each administration were used to determine the impact of out-of-level testing on grade equivalent scores.
482 second, third, and fourth grade students receiving Title I instruction.
Dependent Variable
Gates-McGinitie reading test.
For the second and third grades, the functional level test showed higher GE scores. At the fourth grade, the reverse was true. Results seem to be dependent on either sample or test level.