Devers, R., & Bradley-Johnson, S. (1994). The effect of token reinforcement on WISC-R performance for fifth- through ninth-grade American Indians . The Psychological Record , 44 (3), 441–449.

Journal Article

Devers, R., & Bradley-Johnson, S. (1994). The effect of token reinforcement on WISC-R performance for fifth- through ninth-grade American Indians. The Psychological Record, 44(3), 441–449.


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Elementary; High school; Intelligence test; K-12; Middle school; Multiple ages; No disability; Reinforcement; U.S. context



Half of the students received token reinforcement following each correct response.


Twenty-seven (27) American Indian students in the grades 5–9 participated. All were regular education students.

Dependent Variable

The WISC-R was used as the primary dependent variable (verbal, performance, and full scale scores). The Slosson Intelligence Test was used to determine IQ comparability of the experimental and control groups. The Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude 2 was used to show students how reinforcers would be provided prior to administering the WISC-R.


Token reinforcement was found to enhance the performance of the participants.