Hollenbeck, K., Rozek-Tedesco, M. A., Tindal, G., & Glasgow, A. (2000). An exploratory study of student-paced versus teacher-paced accommodations for large-scale math tests . Journal of Special Education Technology , 15 (2), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.1177/016264340001500203

Journal Article

Hollenbeck, K., Rozek-Tedesco, M. A., Tindal, G., & Glasgow, A. (2000). An exploratory study of student-paced versus teacher-paced accommodations for large-scale math tests. Journal of Special Education Technology, 15(2), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.1177/016264340001500203


Electronic administration; Electronic administration; Electronic administration; K-12; Learning disabilities; Math; Middle school; No disability; Oral delivery; U.S. context





The test was administered under two conditions: 1) a teacher-paced video accommodation, 2) a student-paced computer administration. Under both conditions, the items were presented individually and read-aloud to students.


A total of 50 grade 7 students in a U.S. state participated; there were 25 general education and 25 special education students. All students in special education had reading disabilities, and 17 also had math disabilities.

Dependent Variable

Students took two multiple-choice math tests comprised of thirty items taken from an item pool from an actual statewide test. State educational representatives chose these items to match their state curriculum frameworks.


General education students performed significantly better than students with disabilities on both the teacher-paced video and student-paced computer administrations. Within the group of students with disabilities, the student-paced computer administration mean score was significantly higher than the mean score under the teacher-paced video administration. Low-performing students in general education demonstrated better performance under the student-paced computer administration as well.