Nelson, J. S., Jayanthi, M., Epstein, , Bursuck, M. H., & William, D. (2000). Student preferences for adaptations in classroom testing . Remedial and Special Education , 21 (1), 41–52.
Nelson, J. S., Jayanthi, M., Epstein, , Bursuck, M. H., & William, D. (2000). Student preferences for adaptations in classroom testing. Remedial and Special Education, 21(1), 41–52.
The purpose of this study was to investigate student preference for specific adaptations in general education classroom testing.
A total of 158 students at a middle school in a school district in the northern part of Illinois (U.S.) participated. Participants included students with high-incidence disabilities (11% of sample) and general education students with low, average, high, and very high achievement.
Dependent Variable
Students completed an instrument developed for the study, the Student Preferences for Testing Adaptations Questionnaire. Students rated each of 23 specific testing adaptations on a 4-point scale. In two additional questions, students also stated reasons for a single most-liked and a single least-liked adaptation.
Most testing adaptations were at least moderately preferred by students. Open-notes and open-book tests were among the adaptations most preferred. Teacher reading of test questions was among the least preferred. Students with disabilities indicated significantly higher preference for several adaptations than did students with higher achievement. Students’ rationales for their choices of most liked adaptations included improved test performance, as well as the opportunity to work with peers and to receive assistance. Students’ descriptions of least-liked adaptations included concerns regarding fairness and interference with their own style of working.