Stretch, L. S., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Extended time test accommodation: Directions for future research and practice . Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation , 10 (1), article 8.
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The purpose of this article is to summarize and discuss current research on extended-time testing, particularly the implications of the extended-time test accommodation for assessment, and to offer guidance to educators and researchers.
This study was a literature review. The relevant studies appear to have been completed within the U.S. educational system.
Dependent Variable
This study was a literature review.
Research indicates that in regard to students with learning disabilities, practitioners and researchers need (a) to find ways to provide realistic, not inflated, estimates of a student's ability, (b) to determine if test instruments are suitable for use with students with learning disabilities, (c) to consider whether students with learning disabilities were included in the normative and validation samples, (d) to know that scores from accommodated assessments should be tentative, and (e) to weigh whether scores from assessments that are not validated are more useful than information available from other sources. Future research possibilities were suggested.