Arce-Ferrer, A. J., & Guzman, E. M. (2009). Studying the equivalence of computer-delivered and paper-based administrations of the Raven standard progressive matrices test . Educational and Psychological Measurement , 69 (5), 855–867.

Journal Article

Arce-Ferrer, A. J., & Guzman, E. M. (2009). Studying the equivalence of computer-delivered and paper-based administrations of the Raven standard progressive matrices test. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69(5), 855–867.


Disabilities Not Specified; Electronic administration; Electronic administration; Electronic administration; High school; Intelligence test; International (non-U.S.); K-12; No disability; Student survey




The effect of "test mode" was analyzed, comparing computer-based administrations of a test versus paper-based administrations.


A random sample of 300 high school students participated. The number of students with disabilities was unreported. Participants were from five major school districts in a southeastern state of Mexico. Gender was also reported.

Dependent Variable

The Raven Standard Progressive Matrices test scores comprised the dependent variable. A paper-and-pencil survey was administered following the test.


Results show a lack of test mode effect on distribution, accuracy, and meaning of raw scores. Participants indicated they preferred the computer-delivered administration of the test.