Lindstrom, J. H. (2010). Mathematics assessment accommodations: Implications of differential boost for students with learning disabilities . Intervention in School and Clinic , 46 (1), 5–12.
Lindstrom, J. H. (2010). Mathematics assessment accommodations: Implications of differential boost for students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 46(1), 5–12.
This review of research literature summarizes studies conducted from 2000 forward which pertain to oral administration, extended time, and multiple accommodations.
This review of research literature summarizes studies conducted from 2000 forward pertaining to students in elementary and secondary levels who had high-incidence disabilities, apparently in the U.S. educational system.
Dependent Variable
The studies in this review of research literature utilized various math test results as dependent variables.
Of the 11 studies featured in the meta-analysis, 3 of them supported the "differential boost hypothesis." The article goes on to offer recommendations on determining appropriate accommodations, and presents a discussion of implications for practice.