Koller, E. Z., & Mulhern, T. J. (1977). Use of a pocket calculator to train arithmetic skills with trainable adolescents . Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded , 12 (4), 332–335. http://www.daddcec.com/etadd.html

Journal Article

Koller, E. Z., & Mulhern, T. J. (1977). Use of a pocket calculator to train arithmetic skills with trainable adolescents. Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 12(4), 332–335. http://www.daddcec.com/etadd.html


Journal renamed: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (ISSN: 0013-1237). Also available at a stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/23881342


Calculation device or software (interactive); High school; Intellectual disabilities; Math; Middle school





Participants computed math problems either with pencil-and-paper or with a calculator.


Participants were six adolescents with cognitive/intellectual disabilities.

Dependent Variable

The dependent variable was scores on verbally administered practical addition problems in interval 1, and addition and subtraction problems in interval 2.


Participants completing problems without calculators in interval 1 who switched to calculators in interval 2 increased accuracy and speed of performance in the calculator condition. Participants who had no calculator in both intervals showed deterioration in performance in interval 2. The researchers concluded that calculator use for adolescents with cognitive/intellectual disabilities can improve the efficiency and accuracy of their performance. Limitations are discussed.