Sokal, L., & Wilson, A. (2017). In the nick of time: A pan-Canadian examination of extended testing time accommodation in post-secondary schools . Canadian Journal of Disability Studies , 6 (1), 28–62.
Sokal, L., & Wilson, A. (2017). In the nick of time: A pan-Canadian examination of extended testing time accommodation in post-secondary schools. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 6(1), 28–62.
The processes of providing and monitoring the use of the extended testing time accommodation (ETTA) in the postsecondary landscape was examined.
Survey data across 48 Canadian postsecondary institutions, which administered accommodations to 43,384 students with disabilities, were examined. All Canadian provinces were represented.
Dependent Variable
A 12-question survey was sent to all members of the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services Community of Practice: Accessibility & Inclusion. This survey focused on how ETTA durations were determined and monitored in these school environments.
Students with learning disabilities were more likely than any other students to receive ETTA. The most common ETTA duration was 150% of standard testing time, even though there was no evidence to support this specific duration. Of the institutions that allocated ETTA to students with disabilities, over 40% lacked procedures to monitor and modify this accommodation once assigned.