Kleinert, H., Towles-Reeves, E., Quenemoen, R., Thurlow, M., Fluegge, L., Weseman, L., & Kerbel, A. (2015). Where students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are taught: Implications for general curriculum access . Exceptional Children , 81 (3), 312–328. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014402914563697
Kleinert, H., Towles-Reeves, E., Quenemoen, R., Thurlow, M., Fluegge, L., Weseman, L., & Kerbel, A. (2015). Where students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are taught: Implications for general curriculum access. Exceptional Children, 81(3), 312–328. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014402914563697
Free access online: https://www.cec.sped.org/~/media/Files/Policy/IDEA/IDEA40/Exceptional%20Children2015Kleinert31228.pdf