Beattie, S., Grise, P., & Algozzine, B. (1983). Effects of test modifications on the minimum competency performance of learning disabled students . Learning Disability Quarterly , 6 (1), 75–77.

Journal Article

Beattie, S., Grise, P., & Algozzine, B. (1983). Effects of test modifications on the minimum competency performance of learning disabled students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 6(1), 75–77.


Elementary; Enlarged print (on paper); Learning disabilities; Math; Multiple accommodations; Multiple content; Reading; Visual cues; Writing




Students took one of three tests: modified, modified large-print, and standard. The tests were modified in the following ways: -hierarchical progression of difficulty-sentences arranged unjustified-bubbles (horizontal ovals) were vertically arranged-passages were placed in shaded boxes-examples were 'set off' from test items-arrows in the corners of pages that were part of continuing sections and stop signs replaced them at ending pages-a complete modified test was prepared in standard type size (12 point) and a second version of the modified test was produced in large print (18 point).


A total of 345 students with LD participated in the study.

Dependent Variable

The reading portion of the Florida State Student Assessment Test for Grade 3 was the primary dependent measure (includes math, reading, and writing components).


The results suggested that the competence of students with learning disabilities was enhanced by the use of tests which include the modifications mentioned.(see also Beattie, 1982; Grise Beattie, & Algozzine, 1982)