Bennett, R. E., Rock, D. A., & Jirele, T. (1987). GRE score level, test completion, and reliability for visually impaired, physically handicapped, and non handicapped groups . The Journal of Special Education , 21 (3), 9–21.

Journal Article

Bennett, R. E., Rock, D. A., & Jirele, T. (1987). GRE score level, test completion, and reliability for visually impaired, physically handicapped, and non handicapped groups. The Journal of Special Education, 21(3), 9–21.


College entrance test; Enlarged print (on paper); Extended time; Multiple accommodations; Physical disability; Postsecondary; Visual impairment (including blindness)




Three groups of students took the test in three different formats: students with visual impairments taking the regular-type edition; students with visual impairments taking the large-type, extended time administration; students with physical disabilities taking the regular-type edition in standard time administration.


Participants included 339 students with visual impairments, and 151 students with physical disabilities. Two reference groups were used: The first was a group of 441,654 students taking the GRE from Oct. 1981 to June 1984. The second was a group of 20,499 students taking C-3DGR3 under typical testing conditions from Oct. 1981 to April 1982.

Dependent Variable

The GRE form C-3DGR3 was administered.


With respect to performance level, the groups of students with visual impairments achieved mean scores that approximated or slightly exceeded those of students without disabilities. Students with physical disabilities scored lower on two of the three test scales. Students with physical disabilities and visual impairments taking timed, national administrations were slightly less likely to complete selected test sections than in the other conditions. The reliability of the General Test was found to be comparable to the reference population for all groups with students with disabilities.