Kearns, J. F., Burdge, M., Clayton, J., Denham, A., & Kleinert, H. (2006). How students demonstrate academic performance in portfolio assessment . In D. M. Browder & F. Spooner (Eds.), Teaching language arts, math and science to students with significant cognitive disabilities (pp. 277–293). Paul H. Brookes.

Book Chapter

Kearns, J. F., Burdge, M., Clayton, J., Denham, A., & Kleinert, H. (2006). How students demonstrate academic performance in portfolio assessment. In D. M. Browder & F. Spooner (Eds.), Teaching language arts, math and science to students with significant cognitive disabilities (pp. 277–293). Paul H. Brookes.


ISBN 9781557667984 [paperback]; Chapter 11
