Courtade, G., Jimenez, B., & Delano, M. (2014). Providing effective instruction in core content areas (literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies) in inclusive schools . In J. McLeskey, N. L. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of effective inclusive schools: Research and practice (pp. 352–362). Routledge.
Courtade, G., Jimenez, B., & Delano, M. (2014). Providing effective instruction in core content areas (literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies) in inclusive schools. In J. McLeskey, N. L. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of effective inclusive schools: Research and practice (pp. 352–362). Routledge.