Hess, K., Burdge, M., & Clayton, J. (2011). Challenges to developing alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards . In M. Russell & M. Kavanaugh (Eds.), Assessing students in the margins: Challenges, strategies, and techniques (pp. 171–213). Information Age Publishing.
Hess, K., Burdge, M., & Clayton, J. (2011). Challenges to developing alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards. In M. Russell & M. Kavanaugh (Eds.), Assessing students in the margins: Challenges, strategies, and techniques (pp. 171–213). Information Age Publishing.
Chapter 8 in an edited book; ISBN: 9781617353154 [hardcover]; 9781617353147 [paperback]; 9781617353161 [eBook]