Ganz, J. B., Pustejovsky, J. E., Reichle, J., Vannest, K. J., Foster, M., Fuller, M. C., Pierson, L. M., Wattanawongwan, S., Bernal, A. J., Chen, M., Haas, A. N., Skov, R., Smith, S. D., & Yllades, V. (2024). Augmentative and alternative communication intervention targets for school-aged participants with ASD and ID: A single-case systematic review and meta-analysis . Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , 11 (1), 52–65.
Ganz, J. B., Pustejovsky, J. E., Reichle, J., Vannest, K. J., Foster, M., Fuller, M. C., Pierson, L. M., Wattanawongwan, S., Bernal, A. J., Chen, M., Haas, A. N., Skov, R., Smith, S. D., & Yllades, V. (2024). Augmentative and alternative communication intervention targets for school-aged participants with ASD and ID: A single-case systematic review and meta-analysis. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 11(1), 52–65.