Ganz, J. B., Pustejovsky, J. E., Reichle, J., Vannest, K. J., Foster, M., Fuller, M. C., Pierson, L. M., Wattanawongwan, S., Bernal, A. J., Chen, M., Haas, A. N., Skov, R., Smith, S. D., & Yllades, V. (2024). Augmentative and alternative communication intervention targets for school-aged participants with ASD and ID: A single-case systematic review and meta-analysis . Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders , 11 (1), 52–65.

Journal Article
Ganz, J. B., Pustejovsky, J. E., Reichle, J., Vannest, K. J., Foster, M., Fuller, M. C., Pierson, L. M., Wattanawongwan, S., Bernal, A. J., Chen, M., Haas, A. N., Skov, R., Smith, S. D., & Yllades, V. (2024). Augmentative and alternative communication intervention targets for school-aged participants with ASD and ID: A single-case systematic review and meta-analysis. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 11(1), 52–65.

