Hubbell, J. V. M. (2024). Examining reading comprehension accommodations for students with reading difficulties: The simple view of reading (Publication No. 31332316) [Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Hubbell, J. V. M. (2024). Examining reading comprehension accommodations for students with reading difficulties: The simple view of reading (Publication No. 31332316) [Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.


Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI)


Dictionary/glossary; K-12; Learning disabilities; Oral delivery; Social studies; Text-to-speech device/software; U.S. context




Reading accommodation conditions (no accommodation, read aloud accommodation, or read aloud accommodations with vocabulary support and comprehension monitoring) were examined.


Seven students in grades 3 and 4 with poor decoding skills participated. Students underwent a screening process that identified students of average intelligence and reading comprehension skills; demographics are provided in the study.

Dependent Variable

Students participated in a reading assessment designed by the researcher that included expository reading passages and a measure of content word recall. Students completed the assessment under three conditions across multiple sessions. Conditions were: 1) with no accommodations, 2) with a read aloud accommodation, or 3) with a read aloud accommodation, vocabulary support, and comprehension monitoring.


None of the students demonstrated a statistically significant increase in reading comprehension while using the read aloud accommodation. Two students experienced a statistically significant increase in reading comprehension scores when utilizing both the read aloud accommodation and vocabulary support.