Lazarus, S. S., Thurlow, M. L., Rieke, R., Halpin, D., & Dillon, T. (2012). Using cognitive labs to evaluate student experiences with the read aloud accommodation in math (Technical Report No. 67). University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.

Lazarus, S. S., Thurlow, M. L., Rieke, R., Halpin, D., & Dillon, T. (2012). Using cognitive labs to evaluate student experiences with the read aloud accommodation in math (Technical Report No. 67). University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.


NCEO Technical Report 67


K-12; Math; Middle school; Oral delivery; Oral delivery, live/in-person; U.S. context




Oral delivery ("read-aloud") by test proctors, in comparison with silent reading (by test-takers) of math items, was investigated.


Grade 8 students (N=24) participated from throughout three districts in South Dakota (U.S.). These students had IEPs (but specific disabilities were not identified) and typically used the read-aloud accommodation on the state mathematics test.

Dependent Variable

Participants' scores on 10 math multiple-choice items drawn from an item bank of released items for the 2005–2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) were analyzed. The items received a NAEP designation of easy, and nearly all were at a low complexity level. The researchers selected these items to be similar to those on South Dakota's Dakota Test of Educational Progress in Mathematics (DSTEP-Math). In addition, test-takers provided comments about their testing experiences through participating in cognitive lab interviews.


On average, performance on 5 math items was not significantly different with the use of the read-aloud accommodation than performance on the other, similar, 5 items without the read-aloud accommodation. When reviewed individually, 7 students scored higher with the accommodation, 8 students scored higher without the accommodation, and 9 students scored the same. However, most of the students (61%) reported that using read-aloud reduced stress associated with test-taking, and/or helped them arrive at correct answers. The researchers offered recommendations about accommodations implementation based on the study findings. Limitations of the study were reported, and future research directions were suggested.