Ysseldyke, J., Thurlow, M., Erickson, R., Gabrys, R., Haigh, J., Trimble, S., & Gong, B. (1996). A comparison of state assessment systems in Kentucky and Massachusetts with a focus on the participation of students with disabilities (Maryland/Kentucky Report 1). University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes. https://nceo.info/Resources/publications/OnlinePubs/archive/AssessmentSeries/MDKY1.html
Ysseldyke, J., Thurlow, M., Erickson, R., Gabrys, R., Haigh, J., Trimble, S., & Gong, B. (1996). A comparison of state assessment systems in Kentucky and Massachusetts with a focus on the participation of students with disabilities (Maryland/Kentucky Report 1). University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes. https://nceo.info/Resources/publications/OnlinePubs/archive/AssessmentSeries/MDKY1.html