Montani, T. O. (1995). Calculation skills of third-grade children with mathematics and reading difficulties (Publication No. 9524592) [Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Montani, T. O. (1995). Calculation skills of third-grade children with mathematics and reading difficulties (Publication No. 9524592) [Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey—New Brunswick]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.


Rutgers The State University of New Jersey (New Brunswick, NJ); ProQuest document ID: 304239245


Elementary; Extended time; K-12; Learning disabilities; Math; No disability; U.S. context




Tests were given under two conditions: Timed and Untimed.


The elementary students were divided into several groups: (a) students with difficulties in mathematics, but not reading (Low Math); (b) students with difficulties in both reading and mathematics (Delayed); (c) students with difficulties in reading but not mathematics (Low Reading); and (d) students with no academic difficulties (Control).

Dependent Variable

The mathematics tests consisted of a group of story problems and a group of number-fact problems.


Results indicated that the low math group performed worse than the Control group in the timed condition but not in the untimed condition. The delayed group performed worse than the control group overall. Although the low reading group performed worse than the control group overall, the low reading group did not differ significantly from the control group in either the timed or untimed conditions.