Tachibana, K. K. (1986). Standardized testing modifications for learning disabled college students in Florida (Publication No. 8619496) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Miami]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://www.proquest.com/docview/303487200

Tachibana, K. K. (1986). Standardized testing modifications for learning disabled college students in Florida (Publication No. 8619496) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Miami]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://www.proquest.com/docview/303487200


University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL); ProQuest document ID: 303487200


Extended time





The tests were presented in either a visual or auditory format. The students were also given extra time in one of the conditions.


Community college students with learning disabilities (n=45) in Florida (U.S.) participated. The student participants were tested to distinguish between visual, auditory or no preference in regard to modality strengths.

Dependent Variable

The test used was the Reading Comprehension Test (The College Board).


A significant disordinal interaction occurred between modality strength groups (visual and auditory) and the test modalities. Students with no preference performed better on the auditory modality. Students improved scores significantly on both the visual and auditory modalities of the reading test given additional time. Students also performed much better on the first halves of both the visual and auditory test modalities than on the second halves.