Medlin, S. A. (2016). 1:1 technology and computerized state assessments (Publication No. 10009755) [Doctoral dissertation, Southwest Baptist University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Medlin, S. A. (2016). 1:1 technology and computerized state assessments (Publication No. 10009755) [Doctoral dissertation, Southwest Baptist University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.


Southwest Baptist University (Bolivar, MO); ProQuest document ID: 1765393272


Elementary; Language arts; Math; No disability; Technological aid; U.S. context




The impact of 1:1 technology use at grade 4 levels on standardized test scores in Missouri was examined. 1:1 technology use was defined as students having direct access to a device that connects to the internet throughout the school day.


Building administrators from 1,046 school settings with grade 4 students in Missouri participated.

Dependent Variable

A survey about the use of 1:1 technology with grade 4 students was administered to school districts via online survey, email, and telephone. Grade 4 standardized testing data served as the outcome measure for examining the impact of 1:1 technology access.


There was no statistically significant impact of 1:1 technology access on grade 4 students’ standardized test scores in communication arts and math. Students who had access to 1:1 technology throughout the school day had lower overall academic performance compared to peers without 1:1 access. Researchers concluded that 1:1 technology access had a negative impact on student achievement.