Reporting for ELP Assessments
As for general assessments, there are two types of English language proficiency (ELP) assessment reports: federal and public reporting. States must submit information on students’ attainment of English proficiency as part of the U.S. Department of Education EdFacts data initiative. EdFacts centralizes and streamlines states’ educational data for use in making policies and planning programs.
In addition to this reporting requirement, districts must inform parents of identified English learners, within 30 days, if the language development program fails to meet established achievement targets on state ELP assessments.
Disaggregation of progress for English learners with disabilities is required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Frequently Asked Questions
School districts use ELP assessment data as one piece of information to determine the effectiveness of services for English learners, and to make changes to programming and policies. States may use the information across districts to determine areas where policy clarifications or changes are needed, and to create additional training opportunities for educators.
Reports on ELP assessment progress are required to break out the performance of English learners with disabilities.