AA-AAAS Bibliography: Search

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1223 results.
  • Copeland, S. R., & Osborn, K. (2013). Teaching individuals with severe intellectual disability: Effective instructional practices. In B. G. Cook & M. Tankersley (Eds.), Research-based practices in special education (1st ed., pp. 353–366). Pearson Education.
  • Copeland, S. R., Head, S. L., & DiLuzio, H. (2018). Getting the point: Comprehension instruction. In S. R. Copeland & E. B. Keefe (Eds.), Effective literacy instruction for learners with complex support needs (2nd ed., pp. 123–149). Paul H. Brookes.
  • Copeland, S. R., Head, S. L., & DiLuzio, H. (2018). What’s the word? Word recognition instruction. In S. R. Copeland & E. B. Keefe (Eds.), Effective literacy instruction for learners with complex support needs (2nd ed., pp. 199–224). Paul H. Brookes.
  • Copeland, S. R., Keefe, E. B., & Luckasson, R. (2018). Literacy for all. In S. R. Copeland & E. B. Keefe (Eds.), Effective literacy instruction for learners with complex support needs (2nd ed., pp. 3–19). Paul H. Brookes.
  • Cosbey, J. E., & Johnston, S. (2006). Using a single-switch voice output communication aid to increase social access for children with severe disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31(2), 144–156. https://doi.org/10.1177/154079690603100207

  • Cottrell, J. A., Smith, R. A., & Classen, A. I. (2024). Teaching students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability to independently access and use point-of-view video models for virtual instruction. Journal of Special Education Technology, 39(2), 287–297. https://www.isetcec.org/journal-of-special-education-technology-jset/
  • Courduff, J., Lee, H., Rockinson-Szapkiw, A., & Watson, J. H. (2022). Assistive technology/augmentative & alternative communication implementation: School to home during COVID-19. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits, 16(1), 1–20. https://www.atia.org/home/at-resources/atob/
  • Courtade, G. R., Jimenez, B., Trela, K., & Browder, D. M. (2008). Teaching to science standards: An inquiry based approach for middle and high school students with moderate and severe disabilities. Attainment Company.
  • Courtade, G. R., Lingo, A. S., & Whitney, T. (2013). Using story-based lessons to increase academic engaged time in general education classes for students with moderate intellectual disability and autism. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 32(4), 3–14. https://doi.org/10.1177/875687051303200402

  • Courtade, G. R., Lingo, A. S., Karp, K. S., & Whitney, T. (2013). Shared story reading: Teaching mathematics to students with moderate and severe disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 45(3), 34–44. https://doi.org/10.1177/004005991304500304

  • Courtade, G. R., Spooner, F., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Review of studies with students with significant cognitive disabilities which link to science standards. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 32(1), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.2511/rpsd.32.1.43

  • Courtade, G., & Ludlow, B. (2008). Ethical issues and severe disabilities: Programming for students and preparation for teachers. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 27(1), 36–42. https://doi.org/10.1177/8756870508027001-207

  • Courtade, G., Browder, D., Spooner, F., & DiBiase, W. (2010). Training teachers to use an inquiry-based task analysis to teach science to students with moderate and severe disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(3), 378–399. https://www.jstor.org/journal/eductraiautideve
  • Courtade, G., Jimenez, B., & Delano, M. (2014). Providing effective instruction in core content areas (literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies) in inclusive schools. In J. McLeskey, N. L. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of effective inclusive schools: Research and practice (pp. 352–362). Routledge.
  • Courtade, G., Jimenez, B., Root, J., & Pennington, R. (2022). Planning for effective inclusive instruction in core content. In J. McLeskey, F. Spooner, B. Algozzine, & N. L. Waldron (Eds.), Handbook of effective inclusive elementary schools: Research and practice (2nd ed., pp. 286–301). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003043874-14
  • Courtade, G., Spooner, F., Browder, D., & Jimenez, B. (2012). Seven reasons to promote standards-based instruction for students with severe disabilities: A reply to Ayres, Lowrey, Douglas, & Sievers (2011). Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 47(1), 3–13. https://www.jstor.org/journal/eductraiautideve
  • Courtade-Little, G., & Browder, D. (2005). Aligning IEPs to academic standards for students with moderate to severe disabilities. Attainment Company. https://www.attainmentcompany.com/

  • Cox, S. K., & Jimenez, B. A. (2020). Mathematical interventions for students with autism spectrum disorder: Recommendations for practitioners. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 105(article 103744), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103744
  • Coyne, P., Pisha, B., Dalton, B., Zeph, L. A., & Smith, N. C. (2012). Literacy by Design: A universal design for learning approach for students with significant intellectual disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 33(3), 162–172. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741932510381651

  • Crawford, L., Tindal, G., & Carpenter, D. M., II. (2006). Exploring the validity of the Oregon extended writing assessment. The Journal of Special Education, 40(1), 16–27. https://doi.org/10.1177/00224669060400010201