AA-AAAS Bibliography: Search
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- Griffen, A. K. (2017). Special education teachers, literacy, and students with moderate and severe intellectual disability: A survey (Publication No. 10646200) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kentucky]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2026698537
Grindle, C. F., Murray, C., Hastings, R. P., Bailey, T., Forster, H., Taj, S., Paris, A., Lovell, M., Brown, F. J., & Hughes, J. C. (2021). Headsprout® Early Reading for children with severe intellectual disabilities: A single blind randomised controlled trial. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21(4), 334–344. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12531
Grisham, J., Waddell, M., Crawford, R., & Toland, M. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for infants and children–Third Edition (AEPS-3). Journal of Early Intervention, 43(1), 24–37. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815120967359
Grisham-Brown, J., & Kearns, J. F. (2001). Creating standards-based individualized education programs. In H. L. Kleinert & J. F. Kearns (Eds.), Alternate assessment: Measuring outcomes and supports for students with disabilities (pp. 17–28). Paul H. Brookes.
Guillory, S. B., Baskett, V. Z., Grosman, H. E., McLaughlin, C. S., Isenstein, E. L., Wilkinson, E., Weissman, J., Britvan, B., Trelles, M. P., Halpern, D. B., Buxbaum, J. D., Siper, P. M., Wang, A. T., Kolevzon, A., & Foss-Feig, J. H. (2021). Social visual attentional engagement and memory in Phelan-McDermid syndrome and autism spectrum disorder: A pilot eye tracking study. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 13(58). https://doi.org/10.1186/s11689-021-09400-2
Gunderson, J. L., Higgins, K., Morgan, J. J., Tandy, R., & Brown, M. R. (2017). Cognitively accessible academic lessons for students with intellectual disabilities using the iPad. Journal of Special Education Technology, 32(4), 187–198. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162643417715750
Haertel, G., Cameto, R., Morrison, K., DeBarger, A. H., Nagle, K., Seeratan, K., & Fujii, A.-M. (2012). Alternate assessment design – English language arts. Technical report 4: Design patterns. The background and role of design patterns in the evidence-centered design process. SRI International. http://alternateassessmentdesign.sri.com/techreports/AAD_ELA_TechRpt4_FINAL.pdf
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Hager, K. D., & Slocum, T. (2005). Using alternate assessment to improve educational outcomes. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 24(1), 54–59. https://doi.org/10.1177/875687050502400110
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Hakkinen, M. T. (2015). Assistive technologies for computer-based assessments (RDC-24). ETS Research & Development, Educational Testing Service. https://www.ets.org/research/policy_research_reports/publications/periodical/2015/jufi
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Hanreddy, A., & Östlund, D. (2020). Alternate curricula as a barrier to inclusive education for students with intellectual disabilities. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 12(3), 235–247. https://doi.org/10.26822/iejee.2020358217
Hansen, M. A., Lyon, S. R., Heh, P., & Zigmond, N. (2013). Comparing panelists’ understanding of standard setting across multiple levels of an alternate science assessment. Applied Measurement in Education, 26(4), 298–318. https://doi.org/10.1080/08957347.2013.824452
- Harayama, N. E. (2013). An analysis of the performance and accommodations for students who are non-verbal taking Pennsylvania’s statewide alternate assessment (PASA) (Publication No. 3575267) [Doctoral dissertation, Boston University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. https://www.proquest.com/docview/1460526901
- Hardesty-Jaynes, T. (2021). Teaching students with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (Publication No. 28494517) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2529369433
- Harris, V. V. (2014). Special education teachers’ experiences and perceptions of the Georgia alternate assessment (Publication No. 1062) [Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Southern University]. Georgia Southern University Digital Commons. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/etd/1062/
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