Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Bibliography: Database
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Cook, L., Eignor, D., Sawaki, Y., Steinberg, J., & Cline, F. (2010). Using factor analysis to investigate accommodations used by students with disabilities on an English-language arts assessment. Applied Measurement in Education, 23(2), 187–208.
- Cook, L., Eignor, D., Steinberg, J., Sawaki, Y., & Cline, F. (2009). Using factor analysis to investigate the impact of accommodations on the scores of students with disabilities on a reading comprehension assessment. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 10(2).
- Cooper, J. M. (2023). “Even a little bit of independence can go a long way”: The experiences of students with disabilities transitioning from high school to college (Publication No. 30248656) [Marshall University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
- Corkett, J. K., & Benevides, T. (2016). iPad versus handwriting: Pilot study exploring the writing abilities of students with learning disabilities. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 19(1), 15–24.
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Couzens, D., Poed, S., Kataoka, M., Brandon, A., Hartley, J., & Keen, D. (2015). Support for students with hidden disabilities in universities: A case study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 62(1), 24–41.
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Cox, M. E., Herner, J. G., Demczyk, M. J., & Nieberding, J. J. (2006). Provision of testing accommodations for students with disabilities on statewide assessments. Remedial and Special Education, 27(6), 346–354.
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Crawford, L., & Ketterlin-Geller, L. (2013). Middle school teachers’ assignment of test accommodations. The Teacher Educator, 48(1), 29–45.
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Crawford, L., & Tindal, G. (2004). Effects of a read-aloud modification on a standardized reading test. Exceptionality, 12(2), 89–106.
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Crawford, L., Helwig, R., & Tindal, G. (2004). Writing performance assessments: How important is extended time? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37(2), 132–142.
- Crosby, S. (2015). Barriers to access: The experience of students delaying the request for accommodations at an open-access college (Publication No. 10102477) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Florida]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Crowder, C. R., & Gallas, E. J. (1978, March). Relation of out-of-level testing to ceiling and floor effects on third and fifth grade students [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Ontario (Canada).
- Cunningham, R. P. (2013). The effects of word prediction and text-to-speech on the writing process of translating (Publication No. 3208035) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri-St. Louis]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Curtis, H. A., & Kropp, R. P. (1961). A comparison of scores obtained by administering a test normally and visually. The Journal of Experimental Education, 29(3), 249–260.
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Davis, B. G., & Trimble, C. S. (1978). Consumable booklets vs. single answer sheets with non-consumable booklets. Kentucky State Department of Education, Division of Evaluation.
- Davis, J. E. (2011). Secondary education teachers’ perceptions related to their knowledge and effectiveness of accommodations for students with mild disabilities (Publication No. 3464565) [Doctoral dissertation, Texas Woman’s University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Davis, L. L., Kong, X., McBride, Y., & Morrison, K. M. (2017). Device comparability of tablets and computers for assessment purposes. Applied Measurement in Education, 30(1), 16–26.
- Davis, L. L., Morrison, K., Schnieders, J. Z.-Y., & Marsh, B. (2021). Developing authentic digital math assessments. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 22(1), 1–11.
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Davis, L. L., Orr, A., Kong, X., & Lin, C.-H. (2015). Assessing student writing on tablets. Educational Assessment, 20(3), 180–198.
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Davis, L., Morrison, K., Kong, X., & McBride, Y. (2017). Disaggregated effects of device on score comparability. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 36(3), 35–45.
- DeKorver, B., Brown, G., & Witcher, S. (2024). Student experiences of implementation of accommodations. Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 4(2), 131–155.