Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Bibliography: Database
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- DeLee, B. (2015). Academic support services for college students with disabilities. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 5(3), 39–48.
- Dembitzer, L., & Kettler, R. J. (2023). Universally designed accommodations on a reading comprehension test: What do they accomplish? Assessment for Effective Intervention, 49(1), 18–28.
- Dempsey, K. M. (2004). The impact of additional time on LSAT scores: Does time really matter? The efficacy of making decisions on a case-by-case basis (Publication No. 3108290) [Doctoral dissertation, La Salle University (Pennsylvania)]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
- DePountis, V. M., Pogrund, R. L., Griffin-Shirley, N., & Lan, W. Y. (2015). Technologies that facilitate the study of advanced mathematics by students who are blind: Teachers’ perspectives. International Journal of Special Education, 30(2), 131–144.
- Derr-Minneci, T. F. (1990). A behavioral evaluation of curriculum-based assessment for reading: Tester, setting, and task demand effects on high- vs. average- vs. low-level readers (Publication No. 9030319) [Doctoral dissertation, Lehigh University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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DeStefano, L., Shriner, J. G., & Lloyd, C. A. (2001). Teacher decision making in participation of students with disabilities in large-scale assessment. Exceptional Children, 68(1), 7–22.
- Detrick-Grove, T. L. (2016). Teachers’ perceptions and knowledge of accommodations for students with disabilities (Publication No. 10191479) [Doctoral dissertation, Frostburg State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Devers, R., & Bradley-Johnson, S. (1994). The effect of token reinforcement on WISC-R performance for fifth- through ninth-grade American Indians. The Psychological Record, 44(3), 441–449.
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DiCerbo, K. E., Stanley, E., Roberts, M., & Blanchard, J. (2001, April). Attention and standardized reading test performance: Implications for accommodation [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Washington, DC, United States.
- DiRosa, F. (2007). The impact of testing accommodations on individual postsecondary student test outcomes (Publication No. 3268142) [Doctoral dissertation, Temple University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Dolan, R. P., Hall, T. E., Banerjee, M., Chun, E., & Strangman, N. (2005). Applying principles of universal design to test delivery: The effect of computer-based read-aloud on test performance of high school students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 3(7).
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Dong, S., & Lucas, M. S. (2016). An analysis of disability, academic performance, and seeking support in one university setting. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 39(1), 47–56.
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Duncan, H., & Purcell, C. (2020). Consensus or contradiction? A review of the current research into the impact of granting extra time in exams to students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD). Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(4), 439–453.
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DuPaul, G. J., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Danielson, M. L., & Visser, S. N. (2019). Predictors of receipt of school services in a national sample of youth with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 23(11), 1303–1319.
- Dziekan, K. I. (2003). Postsecondary inclusion through academic accommodations: Attitudes, experiences, and perceptions of college students with learning disabilities and faculty (Publication No. 3081632) [Doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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D’Intino, J. S. (2017). Learning disabilities in Canada: Definitions and accommodations. Canadian Psychology, 58(3), 228–237.
- Eberhart, T. (2015). A comparison of multiple-choice and technology-enhanced item types administered on computer versus iPad (Publication No. 10008819) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
- Edwards, M., Poed, S., Al-Nawab, H., & Penna, O. (2022). Academic accommodations for university students living with disability and the potential of universal design to address their needs. Higher Education, 84(4), 779–799.
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Egan, P. M., & Giuliani, T. A. (2009). Unaccommodating attitudes: Perceptions of students as a function of academic accommodation use and test performance. North American Journal of Psychology, 11(3), 487–500.
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Elbaum, B. (2007). Effects of an oral testing accommodation on the mathematics performance of secondary students with and without learning disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 40(4), 218–229.