Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Bibliography: Database
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Zhang, D., Indyk, A., & Greenstein, S. (2021). Effects of schematic chunking on enhancing geometry performance in students with math difficulties and students at risk of math failure. Learning Disability Quarterly, 44(2), 82–95.
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Zhang, D., Landmark, L., Reber, A., Hsu, H. Y., Kwok, O., & Benz, M. (2010). University faculty knowledge, beliefs, and practices in providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 276–286.
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Zhang, D., Wang, Q., Ding, Y., & Liu, J. J. (2014). Testing accommodation or modification? The effects of integrated object representation on enhancing geometry performance in children with and without geometry difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47(6), 569–583.
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Zhou, L., Ajuwon, P. M., Smith, D. W., Griffin-Shirley, N., Parker, A. T., & Okungu, P. (2012). Assistive technology competencies for teachers of students with visual impairments: A national study. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 106(10), 656–665.
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Zhou, L., Parker, A. T., Smith, D. W., & Griffin-Shirley, N. (2011). Assistive technology for students with visual impairments: Challenges and needs in teachers’ preparation programs and practice. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 105(4), 197–210.
- Ziomek, R. L., & Andrews, K. M. (1996). Predicting the college grade point averages of special-tested students from their ACT assessment scores and high school grades. American College Testing Program.
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Ziomek, R. L., & Andrews, K. M. (1998). ACT assessment score gains of special-tested students who tested at least twice. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Kansas State University.
- Zurcher, R. J. (1999). The effects of testing accommodations on the admissions test scores of students with learning disabilities (Publication No. 9947446) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
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Zurcher, R., & Bryant, D. P. (2001). The validity and comparability of entrance examination scores after accommodations are made for students with LD. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34(5), 462–471.
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Zuriff, G. E. (2000). Extra examination time for students with learning disabilities: An examination of the maximum potential thesis. Applied Measurement in Education, 131(1), 99–117.
- Zwillenberg, S. E. (1992). The effects of extended time as a test modification when assessing the achievement of specific reading disabled students (Publication No. 9221125) [Doctoral dissertation, Hofstra University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.